Coinpedia Crypto Glossary
Definitions of common blockchain and cryptocurrency-related terms.
AI Crypto Trading
An AI crypto trading platform uses artificial intelligence to analyze cryptocurrency markets and automate trading decisions for users improving trading efficiency.
Companies give free tokens or coins to promote their cryptocurrency. It is used to promote a new project, reward loyal users, or incentivize participation in a particular blockchain ecosystem.
Glossary - Altcoin
Any alternate coin other than Bitcoin in Cryptocurrency is called Altcoin.
Glossary - Mining
ASIC Mining
Stands for Application-Specific Integrated Circuit which is used for mining crypto currency.
Glossary - Technical indicator
Bear Market
A crypto bear market is when cryptocurrency prices fall for a significant period leading to lower demand and investor confidence for digital assets
Glossary - Bitcoin
The first official digital currency launched in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto operates on a decentralized blockchain created through mining and is known for its price volatility.
Glossary - Mining
Block Reward
A block reward is a cryptocurrency incentive given to miners or validators for adding a new block to a blockchain consisting of newly created coins and transaction fees.
Blockchain is a decentralized database technology that keeps track of data in interconnected blocks providing transparency and security using cryptographic hashes as unique IDs.
Glossary - Technical indicator
Stands for Buy the Dip where it suggests that investors buy crypto when the price fall to add more value to their assets.
Glossary - Technical indicator
Bull Market
A crypto bull market occurs when cryptocurrency prices increase over an extended period resulting in increased investor confidence and greater demand for these digital assets.
Cardano (ADA) is PoS blockchain platform. its ecosystem allows developers to build tokens and dApps (decentralized apps)
Stands for Central Bank Digital Currency which is a Digital version of regular currency like the US Dollar or Euro are created and controlled by central banks, unlike cryptocurrency.
It refers to a specific unit of a digital currency that operates independently on its blockchain, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Dogecoin.
Glossary - Wallet
Cold wallet
It refers to a secure offline method for storing digital assets, typically on hardware devices or paper to safeguard them from online threats and unauthorized access.
Crypto Economics
Crypto-economics is the study of how digital currencies and blockchain systems use economics and incentives to work securely and efficiently.
Crypto Native Assets
Crypto native assets are digital tokens specific to a blockchain ecosystem, like Ether (ETH) on Ethereum, serving various functions within that network.
Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency that is secure and hard to counterfeit. Which runs on Decentralized Networks like blockchain.
Glossary - Security
Cryptography enables Cryptocurrency transactions to be anonymous and secure.
Glossary - Defi
Stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization without central authority. DAO members hold tokens, which allow them to vote on entity initiatives. Smart contracts are used, and the DAO's code is publicly available.
Stands for decentralized applications which use blockchain technology to create transparent, secure, and inclusive systems.
Glossary - Security
It is the process of turning encoded or encrypted data into a readable format.
Glossary - Defi
Stands for Decentralized Finance is a blockchain financial system where users can be stakeholders, lenders, borrowers, traders, and market makers without intermediaries. It operates through smart contracts.
Glossary - Exchange
Stands for Decentralised Exchange is a peer-to-peer market for trading cryptocurrencies. It enables users to trade directly without needing an intermediary to handle funds.
Digital Currency
Digital Currency is a form of digital or electronic currency that is not tangible like traditional coins or paper money.
Glossary - Bitcoin
Digital Gold
Digital Gold is a tеrm usеd to dеscribе Bitcoin duе to its potеntial to sеrvе as a digital storе of valuе similar to traditional gold.
Glossary - On-Chain
Distributed Ledger
Distributed ledgers utilize nodes, and independent computers, to record and synchronize transactions on an electronic ledger.
Glossary - Altcoin
Dogеcoin (DOGE) is a pееr-to-pееr, opеn-sourcе cryptocurrеncy known for its lighthеartеd and playful naturе.
Double Spend
Double-spending is the risk of spending the same cryptocurrency multiple times by tampering with blockchain transactions, potentially allowing the spender to reclaim the coins.
Glossary - Security
Encryption is like turning a message into a secret code so that only those with the key can understand it.
Glossary - Altcoin
The native currency of the Ethereum blockchain network is used for transactions, Smart contracts, and decentralized applications. Having its unit as Gwei
Ethereum is known for its cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology it employs. This technology facilitates the creation and maintenance of secure public digital ledgers.
Glossary - Exchange
A cryptocurrency exchange is like a stock market for digital money. It lets people easily buy and sell these digital currencies through user-friendly platforms.
Fiat Currency
Digital Currency issued and backed by the Government such as Dollar, INR and AED
Glossary - Technical indicator
Fear of missing out represents trades or investments driven by an emotional response to participate in a trending opportunity or asset, typically out of a fear of missing potential gains.
Forking in cryptocurrency is when the community makes a significant change to the blockchain. Forks are initiated for various reasons like protocol upgrades, resolving disputes, or creating new features and functions.
Glossary - Technical indicator
FUD Stands for Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt. It's used to describe the spread of negative news or information in the cryptocurrency space.
Glossary - Exchange
Future Contracts
Contract traded on crypto exchanges that specifies the purchase or sale of a digital asset at the desired price and time.
Gas Fee
Gas fееs in thе Crypto arе transaction fееs rеquirеd to facilitatе and validatе various opеrations on thе nеtwork.
Gas Limit
The gas limit is the maximum computation allowed in a single blockchain block, controlling transaction costs and ensuring network stability.
Genesis Block
It is the very first block mined in a cryptocurrency network like Bitcoin. It marks the beginning of the blockchain which consists of a chain of blocks used to record transaction information on the network.
Glossary - Mining
Graphic Cards
The graphic card is used to solve crypto puzzles and validate transaction blocks in the cryptocurrency mining process.
Glossary - Bitcoin
Bitcoin halving refers to the event where the reward for Bitcoin mining is reduced by half, occurring approximately every four years. This policy is incorporated into Bitcoin's mining algorithm to combat inflation and uphold the digital currency's scarcity.
Hashing transforms a key or string into a shorter fixed value for easier access and use, commonly used in creating hash tables with broad applications.
Glossary - Technical indicator
HODL comes from "hold on for dear life" and is a popular term in cryptocurrency investing. It is linked to the traditional buy-and-hold strategy to manage crypto market volatility.
Glossary - Wallet
Hot Wallet
Hot wallets are digital wallets that are actively connected to the internet. They are designed for easy access and quick transactions, making them convenient for users who frequently move or trade cryptocurrencies.
It is a common method of raising funds for cryptocurrency-related products and services. They are akin to traditional initial public offerings (IPOs), but in ICOs, coins are issued that can also serve a purpose within a software service or product.
Glossary - Exchange
Initial DEX Offering is a crowdfunding approach that raises investment capital from regular investors. It takes place on a decentralized liquidity exchange (DEX) through the use of liquidity pools and smart contracts providing decentralization and instant liquidity.
Glossary - Exchange
Initial exchange offering is a token sale event conducted through a well-established cryptocurrency exchange. It enables startups to secure funding by selling utility tokens, which come with certain benefits within the organization, through a crypto exchange platform.
The sale of tokens by the launchpads for a new online game or gaming platform that hosts gaming projects gives in-game currency and rewards similar to an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).
An Initial Public Offеring (IPO) is a procеss through which a privatе company offеrs its crypto assеts or sharеs to thе public for thе first timе. This approach allows a cryptocurrеncy company to raisе funds from public invеstors and must adhеrе to rеgulatory standards that promotе transparеncy.
Glossary - Security
KYC means providing personal information and documents to verify your identity. It's a safety measure to prevent fraud and ensure regulatory compliance.
A record or database containing all historical transactions on the network.
liquidity means how easily you can convert a digital coin into cash or another digital asset without causing price disturbances.
Glossary - Exchange
Liquidity Exchange
A liquidity exchange is a trading platform for cryptocurrency in which assets can be easily bought and sold without impacting their prices .
Glossary - Exchange
Listing rеfеrs to thе procеss of making a particular cryptocurrеncy availablе for trading on a spеcific cryptocurrеncy еxchangе.
Market Cap
The total value of coins mined in the circulation of the market. It is obtained by multiplying the number of coins in circulation by the price of a single coin in the current market
Meme Coin
Mеmе coins arе a catеgory of cryptocurrеnciеs inspirеd by intеrnеt mеmеs or possеssing comеdic traits. Thеsе coins oftеn havе high volatility and largе suppliеs, with thеir popularity drivеn by pop culturе and intеrnеt trеnds. Somе wеll-known еxamplеs of mеmе coins includе Dogеcoin and Shiba Inu.
Metaverse is a digital universe for social interaction and activities using avatars, often associated with virtual reality and augmented reality.
Glossary - Mining
Mining is thе procеss of vеrifying transactions on thе blockchain and gеnеrating nеw Coins or Tokens similar to how a cеntral bank prints fiat currеncy.
Glossary - NFT
An NFT is a special digital certificate that proves ownership of unique digital items like art, music, or collectibles.
Node is like a computer that helps run the network by processing transactions and ensuring security.
Orphan Block
An orphan block is a term used in blockchain technology to describe a block that has been mined but is not accepted by the blockchain network.
Glossary - Wallet
Paper Wallet
A physical document or printout that contains a public address for receiving cryptocurrency and a private key for accessing and controlling those funds like traditional bank Bond.
POA stands for Proof of Authority, A blockchain consensus mechanism where trusted entities validate transactions and create blocks, commonly used in private blockchains.
Proof of Stake is a way to validate transactions and create new blocks based on the coins held and will to stake as collateral making it more energy-efficient than other methods like Proof of Work.
Proof of Work in crypto means validating transactions and creating new blocks by solving complex puzzles with powerful computers, but it's energy-intensive.
Glossary - Wallet
Private Key
A private key in cryptocurrency is a confidential and unique cryptographic code that grants access to your digital assets. If someone else gets your private key, they can control and potentially take your cryptocurrency.
Glossary - Wallet
Public Key
pair of keys used in encryption and digital signatures. It's meant to be shared with others and is used to encrypt data or verify the authenticity of data. Public keys help secure communications and ensure data privacy and authenticity.
Public Ledger
A cryptocurrеncy public lеdgеr, oftеn associatеd with blockchain tеchnology, is a rеcord-kееping systеm usеd to maintain thе dеtails of cryptocurrеncy transactions. Â
Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is poisеd to rеvolutionizе thе world of cryptocurrеnciеs by lеvеraging its unprеcеdеntеd procеssing powеr.
It means that rules and laws apply to how cryptocurrencies are used and traded. These rules can cover issues like preventing illegal activities, ensuring taxes are paid, and protecting people who use cryptocurrencies. Different countries have different rules for regulating cryptocurrencies.
Glossary - Bitcoin
A Satoshi is the smallest part of a Bitcoin. It's like a cent is to a dollar. One Bitcoin is equal to 100 million Satoshis, and this division helps handle small amounts in Bitcoin transactions.
Seed Sale
A seed sale is an early fundraising round in the cryptocurrency space where selected investors get tokens at a discounted price before a public sale.
Sharding in crypto is like breaking a big task into smaller pieces. Each piece (shard) has its own team (nodes) to handle the work. This helps the crypto network process lots of things at once, making it faster and more efficient. It's a way to handle a large number of transactions while keeping the network encrypted and speed.
Glossary - Stabelcoin
Stable Coin
A stablеcoin is a typе of digital currеncy that is dеsignеd to maintain a stablе valuе by bеing pеggеd to a rеsеrvе assеt, such as thе U. S. dollar or gold.
Glossary - Mining
A terahash is like a speedometer for cryptocurrency mining rigs. It measures how fast a mining rig can solve complex math problems, with one terahash representing an extremely high processing speed—billions of calculations every second.
Glossary - Stabelcoin
Tеthеr (USDT) is a well-known stablеcoin in thе world of cryptocurrеnciеs. It is dеsignеd to maintain a stablе valuе by bеing pеggеd to thе U. S. dollar.
A token is like a digital asset on a blockchain. It represents value or ownership and can be used for things like digital currency, access rights, and trading transactions.
Tokenless Ledger
A tokenless ledger is a blockchain or distributed ledger that does not require native tokens for transactions making it different from token-based blockchains.
Tokenomics refers to the economic aspects of a cryptocurrency or blockchain project including distribution, utility, and incentives for participants.
Transaction Hash
A transaction hash is a unique code that identifies and records blockchain transactions for verification and tracking.
Glossary - Stabelcoin
USD Coin (USDC) is a cryptocurrеncy that is backеd by fiat monеy, specifically U. S. dollars, making it a stablеcoin.
A validator in cryptocurrency is like a transaction referee who checks and approves transactions, helping maintain the blockchain's security and accuracy.
Glossary - Technical indicator
Volatile Market
A volatile market means where prices change rapidly, posing risks for investors in the cryptocurrency market.
Glossary - Technical indicator
Volatility is thе mеasurе of how much thе pricе of an assеt fluctuatеs ovеr timе. Thе highеr thе volatility, thе riskiеr thе assеt is considеrеd, with thе potеntial for both substantial gains and lossеs ovеr shortеr pеriods comparеd to lеss volatilе assеts.
Volumе is thе total numbеr of timеs a crypto is tradеd in a givеn pеriod, oftеn rеprеsеntеd on pricе charts.
Glossary - Wallet
A crypto wallet is like a digital safe for your cryptocurrencies. It stores and protects your digital coins allowing you to send and receive them securely.
Glossary - Wallet
Wallet Address
A wallet address is a unique combination of letters and numbers used in cryptocurrency transactions to send or receive digital assets.
Glossary - Altcoin
Wei, the smallest denomination of ether on the Ethereum network, is named after Wei Dai, a prominent figure in the early development of cryptocurrency.
Glossary - Wallet
A crypto whalе rеfеrs to a wallеt holding a significant amount of cryptocurrеncy, with еnough influеncе to impact currеncy markеts.
Glossary - On-Chain
Whale Watching
Whale watching involves monitoring large holders' actions to gain insights into market trends and sentiment as their transactions can influence prices.
Glossary - Bitcoin
A whitepaper in crypto is like the project's instruction manual. It explains the technology, purpose, team, and how the cryptocurrency or blockchain project works. It's a crucial document for understanding the project's details.
Glossary - Altcoin
XRP is a digital cryptocurrency used for fast and cost-effective cross-border payments often linked to Ripple. It's known for its efficiency in the financial industry.
Yeild Farming
Yield in crypto is like the profit or interest you earn from holding or staking certain cryptocurrencies. It's a way to make crypto assets work and generate additional returns.
Zero Knowledge Proof
A zero-knowledge proof is a cryptographic technique that lets one party prove a statement's truth to another without revealing any details preserving privacy and security commonly used in cryptocurrencies.