  • Sahana Vibhute

    Sahana Vibhute right arrow


    A passionate cryptocurrency and blockchain author qualified to cover every event in the crypto space. Researching minute occurrences and bringing new insights lie within the prime focus of my task.

    • 1 minute read

    Ripple vs SEC Lawsuit Update: Parties Have Begun to File UNDER SEAL!

    Story Highlights
    • Ripple & SEC have started filing replies to oppositions to motions for the Summary Judgement as the last day to file amicus briefs was on November 30

    • The SEC is expected to release a redacted version of the replies to the briefs by Monday, December 05, 2022

    After multiple attempts to deal with the lawsuit, the Ripple vs SEC case appears to have finally approached a closure. The case is fast approaching the end as both parties would file their response to the oppositions to the motions for summary judgement under seal.ย 

    James K. Filan, the attorney who is closely tracking the case explained that the redacted versions of the replies will be open for the public by December 05. However, the date may vary slightly and be made available a little early. These replies are expected to include the response to amicus briefs which were submitted until November 30.ย 

    Furthermore, Filan also shared his thoughts on the timing regarding Hinmanโ€™s documents, the summary judgements motions and the other sealing issues. Filan, in the document he shared mentions that a separate ruling may be quite possible on the sealing of the expert materials, the Hinman documents or other material relied on by the parties.ย 

    He believes that judge Torres would not slog through the expert motions and the sealing motions including Hinmanโ€™s documents, separately. Judge Torres is expected to look out for which parts of them are relevant to decide on the Summary Judgement motion first. In short, James K. Filan foresees the possibility of the public remaining distinct from Hinmanโ€™s documents for an extended period.ย 

    The regulatory authority, however, still believes that the company conducted unregistered sales of securities in the form of the token XRP. 


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