Dacxi Chain Review: How to right the global imbalance in the emergence of tech innovations
In the introduction to Jared Diamond’s famous book ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’, he recounts walking along a beach in Papua New Guinea with a local man who had been helping him with his ornithological studies.
The man said to him, ‘Why is it that Europeans have established themselves here, and not the other way around?’
That question inspired Diamond to devote the next five years of his life to finding an answer. The result was his book.
The question he sought to answer was why – despite the fact that there is no difference in their intelligence – are there Europeans in every corner of the world, but not Papuans?
He concluded that it’s all to do with climate, geography, and the type of animals that happened to be living in your area around 5000 years ago. Intelligence simply doesn’t come into it.
Today, with faster travel and the internet, the world is a more homogeneous place than it ever has been, at any point in history.
After all, there are more Manchester United fans in India than in England! So why aren’t we seeing many more brilliant innovations and ventures coming out of third-world countries?
STEM graduates are a key metric of a country’s ability to create innovative technology.
Education in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is the foundation for growing a nation’s economy and lifting people out of poverty.
But education can only go so far. The next and critical step is access to the funding local entrepreneurs need to thrive.
According to a survey by UNESCO and the World Economic Forum, the top seven countries for STEM graduates are:
- China 4,695,000
- India 2,676,000
- United States of America 599,000
- Russia 561,000
- Iran 335,00
- Indonesia 206,000
- Japan 195,000
It’s interesting to note that China and India have produced virtually identical numbers of graduates overall. In 2016, India had a total of 78 million people with university degrees and China had 77.7 million.
Another notable point is that Iran produces a very high percentage of female graduates in STEM; UNESCO reported that 70% of their engineering graduates are women.
Now let’s compare that with the number of STEM graduates from the following developing countries:
Indonesia 140,000
Mexico 114,000
Vietnam 100,000
Tunisia 70,000
When you account for differences in population and access to higher education, those numbers are still very healthy. This proves the point that there is no intellectual difference between countries.
Developing nations have the same brain power, and the same – if not greater – motivation to succeed. And yet we don’t see a Silicon Valley equivalent in Pakistan, Poland or Nigeria.
Those developing countries, and others like them, have immense difficulty generating employment for all their STEM graduates – despite the urgent desire to do so.
Without a thriving innovation sector in their own country, STEM graduates are faced with two choices. Either leave, in turn, adding to the crisis of economic refugees currently affecting Europe. Or stay at home and work in a job that they are vastly overqualified for. You can imagine how frustrating and demoralizing that must be.
This is all because a fundamental problem remains. And that’s the issue of funding. There is simply not enough money flowing to entrepreneurs, engineers and designers in developing countries to allow their genius to flourish like it deserves to.
But with the right access to the right funds, there will undoubtedly be an explosion of innovation across the globe. And a flood of well-funded companies will drive further industry expansion, including stock markets, which will allow those investors to exit.
This is why Dacxi developed the Dacxi Chain.
The Dacxi Chain is a revolutionary global tokenized crowdfunding system. This world-first system will enable funds to flow from investors to entrepreneurs, from anywhere to everywhere. And in doing so it will unleash a new level of technological innovation, with the power to change the world.
The Dacxi Chain will provide a global funding source that Early Stage entrepreneurs can tap into, to help take their businesses to the next level – locally or internationally.
The Dacxi Chain tokenized global equity crowdfunding network will make it easy for entrepreneurs from anywhere to connect with investors everywhere. And millions of people will share the benefits.
The Dacxi Chain will connect the right entrepreneurs with the right investors.
With the Dacxi Chain, entrepreneurs will be matched with investors who have intrinsic knowledge of their project’s specific market. For instance, a dental innovation created in Mexico would be presented to investors who have indicated that they are interested in dental technology.
They may even be dentists themselves. The beauty of the Dacxi Chain is that entrepreneurial dentists in Mexico or Tunisia will be on equal footing with those in Germany or Australia.
No matter who they are or where they live, every would-be investor will have access to the same high-potential opportunity. .
Dacxi believes that innovation and entrepreneurship is blind to race, culture, language and that the next big thing could come from anywhere in the world.
All it needs is the right funding, from the right investors, at the right time. And that’s what the Dacxi Chain will provide.
Further Reviews:
For the latest information on Dacxi Coin and Dacxi Chain, visit dacxicoin.io. You can download the Light paper, and join the Dacxi Coin Telegram community.
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