  • Qadir AK

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    Qadir Ak is the founder of Coinpedia. He has over a decade of experience writing about technology and has been covering the blockchain and cryptocurrency space since 2010. He has also interviewed a few prominent experts within the cryptocurrency space.

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  • 2 minutes read

Binance Reveals Plans to Combat Market Manipulation and Liquidity Issues

Story Highlights
  • Binance is reaching out to crypto projects with low liquidity tokens on its platform.

  • Binance wants these projects to establish relationships with market makers or contribute tokens to its savings products.

  • Binance's goal is to strengthen the integrity of the market and address concerns.

Binance, a prominent cryptocurrency exchange, has taken the initiative to connect with crypto projects that involve tokens with low liquidity on their platform. The purpose of this move is to strengthen the integrity of the market by addressing concerns related to potential manipulation and the availability of funds for trading within such projects.

Engagement with Crypto Projects

In recent times, the Binance team has been actively engaging with various crypto projects. Their aim is to gather information about the relationships these projects have established for market-making. One user on Twitter, going by the name Napgenus Ursus, shared a screenshot of a message received from the Binance team, showcasing this interaction.

Meanwhile, Binance is also exploring the possibility of these projects contributing a portion, ranging from 1 to 5%, of their tokens to its savings products. This collaborative approach serves a dual purpose: earning interest for the participants while simultaneously increasing the availability of funds for trading on the platform. Through this strategy, Binance showcases its dedication to collaborative endeavors that uphold the stability of the market.

As shown in the messages, future Binance also demanded an explanation if the projects in question lacked relationships with market makers or refused to contribute to its savings products. 

Binance’s Risk Management

The ongoing outreach by Binance aligns with its overarching risk management strategy.

According to the Binance spokesperson, “The primary objective of our risk management outreach is to encourage project teams to implement recommended measures that enhance liquidity protection.” 

They further elaborated that involving market makers is a step toward fortifying liquidity and ensuring smoother exchange operations. Market makers play a critical role as liquidity providers, agreeing to purchase assets at specific prices to facilitate seamless trading

Furthermore, as part of their risk mitigation strategy, Binance suggests that projects consider contributing to savings pools like Binance Savings. These pools provide platforms for users to borrow tokens through Margin or Loan mechanisms, actively engaging in trading and injecting liquidity into the existing market.

Collective Progress

It’s important to note that Binance emphasizes the voluntary nature of the decision to contribute to these pools. As Binance continues to foster a secure ecosystem, the participation of both users and project teams remains pivotal to the success of this collective endeavor.

In conclusion, Binance’s proactive measures to enhance liquidity and address potential risks demonstrate its commitment to maintaining a stable and thriving cryptocurrency market. Through collaboration and accountability, they aim to create an environment that benefits all stakeholders.

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