Name | Blockchain Wallet |
Released | 2011 |
Wallet type | A software wallet |
Platforms supported | iOS, Android and Web |
Price | Free |
Cryptocurrencies supported | Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ether (ETH), Stellar (XLM), and USD PAX. |
Mobile support | Yes |
One of the main factors while picking a wallet, is the security which has to be emphasized over anything else. Many different cryptocurrency wallets advertise different things about themselves like they might be aesthetic, have a good UI, be decentralized, and so on. All of this fails if the wallet lacks in the security department.
The Blockchain wallet is one of the well-optimized crypto wallets that possesses some of the best features and an awesome security system.
In this article, we will give you a detailed guide to the Blockchain Wallet and its overall aspects. Let us look into this Blockchain Wallet review in detail now.
Blockchain Wallet is a digital wallet platform developed by the Luxembourg-based software development company, Blockchain. It was launched way back in August 2011. It has a long-standing history with Bitcoin and Ethereum, providing secure and efficient storage of these leading crypto coins.
The Blockchain Wallet mobile app is currently one of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets. There are more than 34 million wallets in around 150 countries, where almost $200B worth of money has been transacted in the industry at a low fee.
The Blockchain wallet is available in an online version and both in Android and iOS. It supports 22 fiat currencies and can be used in 25 different languages.
Like most other wallets, users are only charged for their transactions. Thе wаllеt wіll саlсulаtе thе appropriate fee fоr уоur trаnѕасtіоn, taking into account current network соndіtіоnѕ аnd trаnѕасtіоn ѕіzе. The advаnсеd users can set сuѕtоm fees fоr thеіr trаnѕасtіоn in unіtѕ of satoshi реr bуtе (sat/b) by clicking “Cuѕtоmіzе Fее” in the sending interface.
You can choose between a priority fee and a normal fee. The prіоrіtу fее іѕ саlсulаtеd to gеt уоur trаnѕасtіоn included in a block within the hour. Thе rеgulаr fее іѕ lower аnd fоr uѕеrѕ who саn afford a bіt mоrе раtіеnce. Cоnfіrmаtіоn fоr a transaction that includes a regular fее wіll typically tаkе a bіt mоrе thаn аn hour
The Blockchain wаllеt is a сrурtо wаllеt. So, it is imроѕѕіblе to ѕtоrе fiat сurrеnсіеѕ using the wallet. The wallet supports only five cryptocurrencies at the moment which can be listed below:
Blockchain Wallet is designed with both security and usability in mind. While baseline security features do offer some layers of protection, many additional security features are available as options. Blockchain Wallet rates security in levels, Here is how they break it down:
Step 1: Navigate to the official website and click on the Wallet option
Step 2: Now click on the Sign-Up button. Enter your email address and choose a strong password.
Step 3: Hit the ‘Request’ button to start buying either Bitcoin or Ethereum
Step 4: View your unique wallet address, anyone can transfer the appropriate cryptocurrency to this Bitcoin or Ethereum wallet address
Your password is never shared with Blockchain or stored on our servers. The only way to restore your wallet is through your backup phrase. Make sure you write down your backup phrase which is the only way to restore access to your wallet in the event of a lost password. Change your password by clicking the Change Option.
Step 1: Click the “Send” button on your dashboard.
Step 2: Select the appropriate currency for your payment.
Step 3: Enter the wallet address of the recipient, either by pasting it in or scanning the associated QR code.
Step 4: Enter the amount you wish to pay.
Step 5: You have the option to enter a description, providing more details about the payment.
Step 6: If the transaction is time-sensitive, you may choose to make the transaction “Priority”. You will likely incur a higher transaction fee for faster confirmation.
Step 7: You may also choose “Customise Fee” to specify a rate for your transaction. Higher fees will yield faster validation for transactions and vice versa.
Step 8: Once the information is entered, click “Continue” and confirm the details of the transaction.
Step 1: Click the “Recieve” button on your dashboard.
Step 2: Select the appropriate currency for your payment.
Step 3: Enter the wallet address of the recipient, either by pasting it in or scanning the associated QR code.
Step 4: Enter the amount you wish to receive.
Step 5: You have the option to enter a description, providing more details about the payment.
Step 6: If the transaction is time-sensitive, you may choose to make the transaction “Priority”. You will likely incur a higher transaction fee for faster confirmation.
Step 7: You may also choose “Customise Fee” to specify a rate for your transaction. Higher fees will yield faster validation for transactions and vice versa.
Step 8: Once the information is entered, click “Continue” and confirm the details of the transaction.
The Blockchain wallet application offers best-in-class exchange rates to make sure that the users cannot be exploited by hackers. You can seamlessly buy as well as sell cryptocurrencies in more than 30 countries with this blockchain wallet app.
Blockchain wallet also supports QR code for requesting payments to cryptocurrencies. The swap interface makes it easy to conduct crypto exchanges. Thus If you have been looking for a good, reputable, and secure wallet to store your cryptocurrency in, then Blockchain wallet is probably worth recommending on your list.
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